Become a Support Worker

Why Choose LEAP?
 LEAP Social Services provides a rewarding experience to mentor and support young people in need in the community.
Prior to commencing work with LEAP, all support workers will have access to an intimate half-day induction, which provides a thorough insight into the company & services, your team, and the industry.

LEAP prides themselves on putting a focus on relationships. When workers come on board, we want to get to know your interests and skills so that we can match up your personality with appropriate participants that you will enjoy supporting. 

LEAP Support Workers have access to a dynamic team environment, which includes shadow shifts and mentoring for new workers, as well as coordinators who are on call 24 hours per day to answer questions during shifts.

Working with LEAP Social Services will allow you to help young people in crisis reach goals and engage pro-socially within their community. Learn closely from coordinators, while providing the following supports:

  • One to One Mentoring: meet goals while participating in community activities,
  • Supervised Transport: assist taking children/young people to school or around the community,
  • Supervised Contact Visits: accompany children/young people during their visitations with family,
  • Respite/In-Home Support: help establish and maintain routines within families experiencing adversity, and
  • Overnight Residential Care Support: become part of a team that supports children/young people who are in 24 hour/7 day care with LEAP.
Mentor and boy Biking
Applicants must possess:
  • A current Employee Working with Children Check,
  • A current National Police Check,
  • A current First Aid Certificate,
  • A current drivers license (P1 & P2 accepted), and access to a safe and reliable vehicle, and
  • A relevant industry qualification (minimum Cert IV).

To apply, please fill out the application form HERE

and send it, along with your resume and a cover letter, to:

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